Selection View
The Selection View is a standard Simantics view, which shows tabbed configuration views about the current workbench selection.
Basic implementation
Selection view displays content for the workbench selection, which is produced by the active workbench part. The main implementation of the Selection View is also contributed by the active workbench part.
The implementation class is org.simantics.ui.workbench.IPropertyPage.
The standard implementation is org.simantics.selectionview.StandardPropertyPage (needs refactoring).
Selection processing
StandardPropertyPage uses org.simantics.selectionview.SelectionProcessor for computing a list of tabs from the given workbench selection. The tabs are implementations of org.simantics.selectionview.ComparableTabContributor.
A modelled implementation of the SelectionProcessor interface is org.simantics.selectionview.StandardSelectionProcessor.
StandardSelectionProcessor seeks all instances of and adapts them to org.simantics.selectionview.TabContribution.
StandardSelectionProcessor seeks all instances of (which are also L0.Function) and applies them to obtain a set of inputs, which is then fed to all TabContributions.
Tab implementation
The standard way of implementing a tab is a Simantics Modelled View. Generic modelled selection view tabs include
StandardProperties (
- StandardProperties is an Explorer view which expects a single Variable as an input.
- The view has the columns 'Property', 'Value' and 'Unit'
- Children are obtained using variable.browseProperties such that the property contains a property named 'HasStandardPropertyInfo'
- Labels are obtained by selecting all properties that have a property called DISPLAY_COLUMN (for obtaining column identifiers)
- Modifier uses 'HasInputValidator' for getting a validator
- Modifier writes with Bindings.STRING into the property.
- Categories?
- Required, Default?