Quick Development Environment Setup
Install Java JDK and Eclipse, and Setup the IDE for Simantics Development
- Get and install Java SE Development Kit 6 (JDK 6). You can download the package from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html. Follow the installation instructions for your operating system. It is recommended to use the latest JDK update.
- Get and install the latest Eclipse Classic IDE 3.7 (Indigo) stable stream build. You can find the package from http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/. You can select freely the installation location for the package, e.g. under your home directory. Just unzip the package to install Eclipse.
- After the installation of Eclipse, check that your Eclipse is set to use the right Java Runtime Environment (JRE):
- In Eclipse platform, open "Window - Preferences".
- Open page “Java / Installed JREs”.
- Set the JRE to point to the previously installed JDK 6.
- Install the Simantics Graph Compiler:
- In Eclipse platform, open “Help / Install New Software...”.
- Set the installation site to "http://www.simantics.org/update/utils" in the “Work with” field and press “Add...”. Give the installation site link a name when asked.
- Select from the list the latest "Ontology development / Graph feature" and proceed with the installation. Restart Eclipse after the installation.
- Install the Subversive plug-in to the Eclipse platform:
- In Eclipse platform, open “Help / Install New Software...”.
- Select installation site "Indigo - http://download.eclipse.org/releases/indigo" to the “Work with” field from the preset list.
- Click open the "Collaboration" folder and select from the list:
- Subversive SVN Team Provider
- Subversive SVN JDT Ignore Extensions
- and proceed with the installation. Restart Eclipse after the installation.
- After restarting Eclipse, open the SVN Repository Exploring perspective:
- In Eclipse platform, open “Window / Open Perspective / Other...”.
- Select SVN Repository Exploring and press “OK”. Eclipse should open the “Install Connectors” dialog.
- Select latest “SVN Kit 1.3.x” and press “Finish”, and proceed with the installation. Restart Eclipse after the installation.
Install Simantics 1.4 Target Platform
- In Eclipse platform, activate the Plug-in Development perspective, either from the tab on the upper right corner of the Eclipse platform or from the “Window / Open Perspective / Other...” menu, and select Plug-in Development.
- Create a new general project in Eclipse by:
- Selecting “File / New / Project...” menu item.
- In the "Select a wizard", select “General / Project” and press “Next”.
- Give the project a name, e.g. "Simantics_target" and press "Finish".
- Copy one of the following files into your system to some temporary location:
- http://www.simantics.org/download/1.4/simantics.target (for application development on Simantics platform)
- http://www.simantics.org/download/1.4/simantics-https.target (for application development on Simantics platform, if you are behind a HTTP proxy)
- The Simantics platform source code is available for THTH/Simantics Division registered members through these alternative target definitions (user name and password are asked during the installation, these are available at the THTH/Simantics Member Wiki):
- http://www.simantics.org/download/1.4/simantics-sdk.target (for Simantics platform development and application development on Simantics platform)
- http://www.simantics.org/download/1.4/simantics-sdk-https.target (for Simantics platform development and application development on Simantics platform, if you are behind a HTTP proxy)
- In Eclipse Package Explorer (the view on left side of the Eclipse platform):
- Right-click your previously created project and select "Import..." from the context menu.
- In Select wizard, select “General / File System”, and press "Next".
- Select in the “From directory” the folder where the previously downloaded files are located, and select the two files from the file list. Press "Finish".
- Set the target platform for the development with Simantics:
- In Eclipse platform, open “Window / Preferences”, and from there the “Plug-in Development / Target Platform” folder.
- The new target definitions should be available in the list. Activate one of the following:
- “Simantics 1.4” (for application development on Simantics platform)
- “Simantics 1.4 (HTTPS)” (for application development on Simantics platform, if you are behind a HTTP proxy)
- “Simantics SDK 1.4” (for Simantics platform development and application development on Simantics platform)
- “Simantics SDK 1.4 (HTTPS)” (for Simantics platform development and application development on Simantics platform, if you are behind a HTTP proxy)
- and confirm the target platform definition by pressing "Apply" and/or "OK". If you defined a Simantics SDK 1.4 target, you are asked for the username and the password.
- Wait until Eclipse finishes downloading, this may take a while. After the download is completed, there should be several plug-ins starting with "org.simantics.*" in the Eclipse Plug-ins view (the view on the left side of Eclipse).
- Keep your platform up-to-date! Updating is as easy as reloading the target platform from Target Platform preference page:
- In Eclipse platform, open “Window / Preferences”, and from there the “Plug-in Development / Target Platform” folder.
- Select the active target platform, e.g. Simantics SDK 1.4, from the list and press "Reload".
- Wait until the platform is updated.
Test your installation
Test your installation with the Simantics movie tutorial:
- Download Simantics movie tutorial plug-ins:
- From http://www.simantics.org/jenkins/job/package-movie-tutorial-1.4/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/movie-tutorial.zip
- Import the zip's contents into your workspace
- Build the movie product
- From ...
- Run the movie.product.
- Select from the ...
If you managed to start the movie product, your development platform should be operational.
Happy developing with Simantics!