Graph Compiler

From Developer Documents
Revision as of 12:47, 28 September 2010 by Toni Kalajainen (talk | contribs) (Created page with '= Introduction = The org.simantics.graph feature provides a textual graph database source editing environment that integrates into the Eclipse IDE. The feature adds a new proje...')
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The org.simantics.graph feature provides a textual graph database source editing environment that integrates into the Eclipse IDE.

The feature adds a new project nature and builder for Java/Plug-in projects to support development of .pgraph partial graph source files. The environment will compile all partial graphs with in a project into a single transferable graph / Simantics applications will then be able to integrate this transferable graph into handled databases.

The environment also allows you to add the graph compilation nature to any project from the project's context menu Configure/Add graph compilation.



Utilities creating, browsing and editing transferable graphs.
Importing transferable graphs to Simantics database and exporting fragments of the database as a transferable graph.
Translates Textual graph format to transferable graphs. Additionally generates resource files.
Eclipse editor, builder and nature for textual graph format and transferable graphs.


The graph development environment is distributed using an update site at

Release notes

Fix: When templates with literals were applied, the literal values were put to wrong resources.
Source files are sorted in order to generate identical tgs for identical source files (not necessarily enough, there may be some identity hash maps).
Deprecated resources are marked deprecated in resource files.
Fix: Compiler closes handles to files
Reading input files in UTF-8
Feature: loads also from target platform
Feature: New notation Foo."Bar"
Fixed bug in loading from dependencies
Fixed bug in automatic creation of inverses for relations whose superrelations have also generated inverses
Feature: Reporting missing URI for relations whose inverse has a URI
Fixed bug in locating lexing errors
Some optimizations in parser